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  • through July 25, 2015

4th Annual Installation Dinner-July 11

Welcome to the Global Kalinga e-Rotary Club for the week of Sunday, July 19 through Saturday July 25, 2015. We are an Internet based Rotary Club based in Quezon City, Philippines with core groups of members in Southern California and elsewhere. We serve our local and nearby communities as well as projects in the Philippines.

Actually, since this was posted on Monday, you have until midnight Sunday, July 26th PDT to attend this meeting


"Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be." ~ Marsha Petrie Sue

And every Rotary year is a new beginning, with a new leader and his/her team. Let's look forward to a new beginning.

And Carl Bard said, "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Let's end this new Rotary year with a bang, with double or triple our membership and successful fundrasing and projects.

Rotary 4-Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”

By building your team's self-esteem and encouraging them, the entire team becomes stronger.

Sing-Along Song - Somewhere over the Rainbow

Take your time and sing-along (wherever you may be). Through Rotary we can help those in need to reach their rainbow.

Program--4th Annual Installation Dinner

We held our installation dinner at Malarkey's Grill in Long Beach on July 11. It was very successful and everyone enjoyed the event. Regretfully, the expected videos, except for the induction of our new members, were not usuable. However, this video highlights the event.

We were honored to have Past District Governor Evelyn Magno as our special guest. Before dinner she gave an inspirational talk on Rotary and after dinner, she installed Celly Adamo as president and with the assistance of Celly, she installed the board members. After our birthday celebration of four members, including our president, PDG Magno inducted three new members to our club, Ronnie and Becky Gamalinda as well as our now former honorary member, Rene Fruto.

After Celly was installed, she gave a very uplifting and passionate presentation. Here is her presentation:

Imagine a world where every child goes to school with clean clothes, shoes instead of going barefoot, with clean drinking water at their disposal

Imagine a world where the poor are elevated to an attitude of dignity and the ability to help and lift themselves up and away from a debilitating situation.

Imagine a world where there are no fears of an outbreak of polio, dengue fever, malaria

It may sounds like impossibility but Rotary aims toward these goals.

Those of us that are living comfortably, with available clean drinking water will probably never understand the concerns faced each day by someone who is poor with no place to live or no food to eat; children not being able to go to school because there are no school or force to drink dirty water because there are no clean water available, or deal with diseases that should have been eliminated years ago through simple preventative solutions and treatment. Polio is very real in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan, Malaria is very real in Africa, and Dengue fever is very real in the Philippines.

Rotary members across the community and the world unite to put their skills, knowledge and resources to tackle our most pressing challenges. We focus our efforts in six areas: promoting peace, preventing diseases and treatment, providing access to clean water and sanitation, enhancing maternal and child health, improving basic education and literacy, and helping communities develop.

We are especially dedicated to ending polio in our lifetimes. Rotary members have persevered in this fight since 1979 and have now helped eradicate polio in all but three countries I mentioned earlier.

Why I joined Rotary, you ask. I have asked myself that question also. Rotary’s motto is “service above self.” What a daunting goal. It is enough to scare other people from even checking out membership in Rotary. I must admit that I’m not there because the challenges of life that usually interferes. What I know is that those members who had been “Rotarized” lived their lives by the “Four Way Test” of being a Rotarian, ethical guide to use for their personal and professional relationships. Of the things we think, say and do:

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

These are also lofty guidelines, but doable now. I can do this.

Rotary is all about service. Different clubs and members impact their community in different ways as they support different causes locally, or global Rotary goals. The common denominator for over 1.2 million Rotarians, from 166 countries is that we are striving for a better community and for a better world. Rotary brings together members so these goals will be accomplished collectively that otherwise could not be undertaken individually.

That’s powerful, and I love being part of it. I love going to other countries and attending meetings of like-minded people. You can find a Rotary club practically everywhere in the world. People know what Rotary is all about and the organization is respected for it. When I hear or read of expressions of gratitude from recipients of the good that Rotary does, where ever I go, I am reminded of the tremendous positive effect of Rotary, and I know why I am a member.

Our International President, Ravi Ravindran, said that we came into this world with our fists clenched and grasping at everything. Wow, I can attest to that visual reminder. I just had a brand new grandson, on June 17 and I was witness to the delivery. He came out with clenched fists and then started to grasp at everything. We came into this world with nothing and go through life grasping for things. When we leave, we leave everything, except for the legacy, the significance, we established in life. Membership in Rotary provides that opportunity.

Will we ever see a world with every child going to school, poverty conquered and preventable disease a thing of the past? Probably not completely, but we can certainly work towards those goals. Rotary gives us the opportunity to make a difference, a member at a time, a project at a time. Be involved, be a gift to the world.

The installation dinner video is relatively short, To ensure we meet the 30 minute minimum require- ment, we have a video related to e-clubs: Rotary E-Clubs: how to establish and operate a successful Rotary e-club.

We have an interesting video on What Makes America Different?

Is America really that great? Or is the United States just like any other nation? Outsiders tend to be the best judge of character, and Nick Adams, a best-selling Australian author and political commentator, gives an outsider's view of the USA.

Club Business

Our Monthly Meeting was changed to July 26 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at the Delfins. Check the calendar or the GKeRC-Members Facebook group for directions and what you plan to bring. Our meeting will be potluck.

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